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    Articles (Fill in the blanks)

    1 / 25

    She had breakfast before going to work.

    2 / 25

    He is reading book you lent him.

    3 / 25

    I saw movie you recommended.

    4 / 25

    He is doctor and works in a hospital.

    5 / 25

    She bought orange from the market.

    6 / 25

    There’s university near my house.

    7 / 25

    Alps are a famous mountain range in Europe.

    8 / 25

    She is amazing artist.

    9 / 25

    She works in United States.

    10 / 25

    What beautiful day it is today!

    11 / 25

    We go on vacation once year.

    12 / 25

    I saw cat sitting on the roof.

    13 / 25

    tigers are dangerous animals, but tiger in the zoo was calm.

    14 / 25

    The teacher gave us homework yesterday.

    15 / 25

    I don’t have pen to write with.

    16 / 25

    He saw UFO in the sky last night.

    17 / 25

    She went to school yesterday.

    18 / 25

    He went to school to meet the principal.

    19 / 25

    She plays piano beautifully.

    20 / 25

    Cars are expensive, but cars in this shop are very cheap.

    21 / 25

    He has money to buy that car.

    22 / 25

    I need hour to finish this project.

    23 / 25

    We’re going to cinema this evening.

    24 / 25

    Most of students passed the test.

    25 / 25

    I didn’t eat lunch she prepared for me.

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