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    Present Simple vs Present Continuous

    1 / 20

    He ___________ at work at 9 AM.

    2 / 20

    He ___________ a book right now.

    3 / 20

    He ___________ on a project for school this month.

    4 / 20

    I ___________ for my English exam this week.

    5 / 20

    She ___________ Spanish fluently.

    6 / 20

    Children ___________ when they’re very happy.

    7 / 20

    We ___________ dinner at a fancy restaurant. Come join us!

    8 / 20

    I usually ___________ cereal for breakfast.

    9 / 20

    She always ___________ her teeth before bed.

    10 / 20

    Is she doing homework? - No, she ___________ to music.

    11 / 20

    The kids ___________ in the garden now.

    12 / 20

    We ___________ to a cafe from time to time.

    13 / 20

    The chef ___________ a delicious meal in the kitchen right now.

    14 / 20

    They ___________ volleyball every Saturday.

    15 / 20

    They’re not working today. They ___________ their bedroom walls.

    16 / 20

    What are they doing? - They ___________ a movie in the living room.

    17 / 20

    Cats ___________ eating mice.

    18 / 20

    My mother ___________ dinner every evening.

    19 / 20

    He ___________ at a hospital as a nurse.

    20 / 20

    She ___________ on the phone at the moment.

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