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    Hear and listen

    True or false? Are the sentences correct or incorrect?

    Nepočul som ťa vojsť.

    1 / 20

    I didn’t hear you come in.

    Nepočuli ma.

    2 / 20

    They didn’t hear me.

    Počuli, ako zvoní alarm.

    3 / 20

    They heard the alarm ringing.

    Počujem vonku spievať vtáky.

    4 / 20

    I can hear birds singing outside.

    Práve počúva svoju obľúbenú pieseň.

    5 / 20

    She is hearing her favorite song.

    Prosím, počúvaj ma na chvíľu.

    6 / 20

    Please listen me for a moment.

    Počuješ ten zvláštny zvuk?

    7 / 20

    Can you hear that strange noise?

    Počul si, čo povedal?

    8 / 20

    Did you hear what he said?

    Počujem učiteľa každý deň.

    9 / 20

    I hear to the teacher every day.

    Rád počúvam podcasty.

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    I like to listen to podcasts.

    Počúvala príbeh svojej kamarátky.

    11 / 20

    She heard to her friend’s story.

    Počúva svojho šéfa pozorne počas každého stretnutia.

    12 / 20

    He hears to his boss carefully during every meeting.

    Každé ráno počúvam vtáky.

    13 / 20

    I listen to the birds every morning.

    Často počujeme autá prechádzať okolo.

    14 / 20

    We often hear cars passing by.

    Práve teraz počúva hudbu.

    15 / 20

    He is listening music now.

    Počúvali sme zvláštny zvuk.

    16 / 20

    We listened a strange noise.

    Nepočul som, čo si povedal.

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    I didn’t listen what you said.

    Pozorne počúva učiteľa.

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    She listens to the teacher carefully.

    Počúvali sme rádio.

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    We were hearing to the radio.

    Môžeš si popočúvať túto hudbu?

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    Can you hear to this music?

    Vaše skóre je